
Remain Optimistic Through the Turmoil

Hello Everyone, and welcome to my online web portal! Thank you for subscribing to my blog.

I have taken the initiative to invite you to join me as I bring my story to the forefront- for the first time I developed a voice. After years of self-deprivation, I have learned that even when faced with the storm of life, we have an opportunity to make things right. I am no longer afraid of what the world has in store for me.

In this personal portfolio/blog, I am narrowing my focus on the importance of acceptance and self-love.

How do we feel comfortable in our own skin, in our own bodies? How do we fit into this mold society has imposed upon us? I have discovered that the key to a healthy lifestyle is finding balance, and in doing so; creating the best version of YOURSELF. I am here to help you do so!

Let’s get started.

Thank you!

-Knottia Carrigan

“Sometimes we do things that we know aren’t necessarily right. As you go on in life, these things stay with you, and tear your world upside down. I decided I wasn’t going to suffer anymore. I am now able to look at myself in a different light.”

-Knottia Carrigan